Model Features
Canesim has a single layer soil water balance (see Singels et al., 1998 for a full description) and simulates crop transpiration, evaporation from the soil, deep drainage and run-off. Redistribution of water within the root zone is not simulated. All water within the root zone is considered available to plants throughout the growing cycle, reflecting the rapid establishment of roots in irrigated ratoon crops. Crop canopy cover is calculated from thermal time (Singels and Donaldson, 2000) and crop water status (Singels et al., 2008). Canopy cover is used to calculate interception of solar radiation that drives potential transpiration and biomass accumulation. Actual transpiration and biomass accumulation is determined by potential rates and crop water status, which depends on soil water status (Singels et al., 2010). Daily biomass accumulated is partitioned to stalk fibre and sucrose following the method of Singels & Bezuidenhout (2002).
Model Inputs
Canesim uses basic field data (soil properties: water holding capacity, drainage rate, residue status; cropping details: cultivar, row spacing, start and harvest dates, and irrigation system properties), and daily weather data (solar radiation, temperature, reference evaporation and rainfall) and possibly soil water data to calculate canopy cover, soil water content, crop water use, biomass, stalk and sucrose mass for each day (past and future) of the growing season.
Model Uses
Irrigation Scheduling
Yield Forecasting
Benchmarking cane and sucrose yields, crop growth and water use
Reviewing agronomic performance